Have to share a most excellent review…
I don't often post these (but when I do, I prefer Dos...ah, never mind). Had to share a really complimentary review of the Gabriel trilogy I just saw on Amazon.…
I don't often post these (but when I do, I prefer Dos...ah, never mind). Had to share a really complimentary review of the Gabriel trilogy I just saw on Amazon.…
Excerpt from Gabriel: Zero Point, the prequel novella to the Gabriel Trilogy. GZP is FREE (as in beer) for Kindle US, Kindle UK, Nook, iBooks, Kobo, and Smashwords. Free, so…
Yes, another post of self-flagellation (er, adulation...maybe congratulation?). I just received a really well-written review for Gabriel's Journey, and the author of the review (Justin Gifford, copy editor at HorribleNight.com)…
November, 2166 North American Federation Naval Station Newport, Rhode Island “Which one is he?” Vice Admiral Eriq Cafferty looked up from his flexscreen at the sound of his attaché’s voice…